
Bacteria Peptide Database

There are three different ways to query BactPepDB:

  1. Search all the peptides in BactPepDB that match various search criteria using the Simple Bank query,

  2. Retrieve sequences of BactPepDB homologous to a query sequence by performing a BLASTp search.

  3. Get Direct access to a particular peptide entry by entering a BPDB id.

Enter query sequence(s) in RAW or FASTA format (?)

What is the e-value (?)

Source organism

Peptide status

Annotated stands for peptides already annotated in RefSeq (?).

Predicted peptide features

Potential pseudogenes stands for genes in the intergenic regions homologous to larger genes (?).

Sequence features

Sequences cannot be less than 10 or more than 80 residues.

How to use regular expressions (?).

Other predicted features

What is the e-value (?)

Direct access

A BactPepDB id consists of 7 digits.

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